Baby Swim

Each month Evie gains more confidence and independence in the water. During this month I aim to further enhance Evie’s capabilities by always giving her an opportunity to perform swimming skills by herself while under my strict supervision.

If you take note, in all of the video footage, I always position myself so that she can grip and hold on to me. She uses my shirt and the shallow ledge I make with my body to move around the pool from shallow to deep water, striking out on her own, but always initiating her own pulling up. This independent pulling up is so important in teaching children their capabilities.

The main swimming skills I continue to developing this month are floating to and from the ledge while trying to extend her breath control. I am also introducing safety turns to the ledge which are most important as this skill may one day save her life.

Tips to extend breath control – Start with a small cup of water when practicing conditioning – Replace the small cup with a larger cup or container of water for conditioning – Count how long you pour the water over baby’s face – Start with 3 and build to a 5 second pour

Evie’s development on land is really starting to take off. This month she is capable of walking along a wall, she can climb up stairs and she loves to dance. It is such a magical feeling watching her develop in confidence both in the water and in the home environment.

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