Baby Swimming Lessons and Our Youtube Members Community!

Discover the best baby swimming membership community online. Our caring and supportive swim school uses proven techniques to help your child learn to swim in a safe and positive environment. From water familiarization to propulsion, we tailor our approach to each child’s individual readiness. Join now and give your child the gift of swimming.
10 Months – Enhancing Evie’s Swimming Skills at 10 Months
At 10 months old, Evie is gaining more confidence and independence in the water. This month, the focus is on extending her breath control, floating to and from the ledge, and introducing safety turns. On land, Evie is now capable of walking along a wall, climbing up stairs, and loves to dance.
9 Months – Evie’s 9 Month Development in Learn to Swim Lessons
At 9 months, Evie is demonstrating great independence in the water, including floating and pulling herself up on a shallow ledge. This article provides tips for parents to encourage and support this development while maintaining safety.
Week 9 – Taking the Plunge: How to Overcome Nervousness during Bath Time Swimming with Baby
Learn how to overcome nervousness when taking your baby for a bath time swimming lesson. Tips include observing the routine, talking calmly, being flexible, and focusing on floating.