Baby Swimming Lessons From Birth to 3 Years of Age

What a journey it is learning to swim and teaching young children a love for the water! In this 30-minute video, you will see the learn to swim process from birth to 3 years of age. Our baby swim videos aim to show you swimming lessons that are conducted in a fun, safe, and supportive […]
Baby Lulu Learns To Swim 2 Weeks Old With Cousin and Dolly

Watch Luella, a precious 2-week-old, explore the joys of water with her big cousin Evie! Discover the potential benefits of introducing babies to water early, including fostering their natural affinity, promoting exploration, and encouraging exercise. Remember, safety first: constant adult supervision is crucial. Embrace your baby’s aquatic journey and explore more resources on our channel!
Your Adult Beginner’s Guide to Swimming (Video Tutorial!)

Click here for Full Beginner Video Everyone should have the tool’s needed to learn to swim and due to the large amount of requests we have uploaded our Adult Beginners learn to swim basics video to YouTube. We believe this video covers the entire process better than anything else we have found online. This takes […]
Swimming Lesson For Lulu 22 Months

Teaching Baby and Toddlers to Swim is easy with our Baby Swimming Course. The full program is at your fingertips and easy to follow. We provide thorough instruction and video guidance on your journey.
How to Teach Baby to Swim at 6 Months

Embark on a waterborne journey with our comprehensive swimming lessons, starting from the comfort of your own bathtub. Nurture your baby’s natural affinity for water before introducing them, at 4 to 6 months, to our expert-led pool sessions. Witness Baby Rose’s aquatic debut alongside her supportive family, fostering not only vital skills but also meaningful family bonds. Dive into a unique opportunity for physical activity and social connection. Discover the array of essential skills unveiled in this transformative swimming lesson.
Supervision for Baby Swimming and Bath Time Play

Supervision around the pool is extremely important with children. We detail why it is so important and the need to remain diligent especially when it relates to your baby swimming lesson journey.
Crawling Through Tunnels And Floating Mats

During the swimming lesson we often use floating mats to enhance play based learning for babies and young children. Utilising floating mats in the swimming lesson can also enhance children’s physical development. Crawling through a tunnel is a great exercise that strengthens the muscles, develops body strength and improves mobility and flexibility.
What Do Babies Do In Swimming Lessons

Baby swim classes are an ideal activity for parents and caregivers to enjoy with their child. Water familiarization is a vital stage of the learn to swim class. Here the baby and the caregiver become relaxed and confident in the water. These early experiences with the water will set the tone for all future learning.
Baby Swimming and Breath Control. Why it’s so important and how?

Baby swimming lessons should be a safe, enjoyable journey for all. In this article we explore the importance of conditioning and breath control. Why taking your time with this process matters to ensure a happy child.
Importance of Turning Skills for Water Safety: Teaching Babies to Turn Underwater

Turning skills are a vital component of water safety for babies and young children. It is important for babies to learn how to turn to safety, whether it’s towards a parent, a ledge, or the side of the pool. This skill can be introduced to babies who have good breath control and have been attending regular swimming lessons, usually between 8 to 12 months of age.