Baby Swim

Tip 1 – Baby Conditioning

Conditioning is a stimulus response method used to teach baby breath control on command. By teaching baby breath control on the verbal trigger “NAME Read Go”, we prepare them for their first underwater experience outside the womb. By conditioning the baby we ensure that their first underwater experience a pleasurable one. When the water hits the top of the baby’s head they will react by holding their breath. Condition is a safe technique to teach baby’s breath control. To avoid ingesting water we sit the baby upright so the water runs quickly, smoothly and evenly over the face. If you are uncomfortable with conditioning, you can wait until you join formal learn to swim lessons to commence conditioning. If you practice conditioning regularly somewhere between 10 and 12 weeks your will notice your baby close their eyes and hold their breath on the verbal cue.

Tip 2 – How to Hold Baby in the Pool

Teaching baby to grip and support their body weight is an important part of the swimming lesson. But for those adults who may not feel comfortable they can gain additional support from a pool noodle. This will help the adults to balance and relax as they interact with baby in the swimming pool.

Tip 3 – Learning to Kick and Paddle

Building the propulsive skills of kicking and paddling will help to develop baby’s mobility in the water. If we have establish good floating skills with baby, even the most primitive propulsive actions like wriggles or slight kicks or pills will move baby through the water. Always supervise closely and remain vigilant to ensure baby stays safe.

Tip 4 – Voluntary Breath Control

Encouraging children to submerge their own face and look under water is part of the early learn to swim process. Having good breath control is essential for children to master good swimming skills. Never force children’s face under water. Make sure to encourage voluntary breath control. Use games and adult demonstrations to build children’s confidence and enjoyment. Always supervise children closely even during shallow water play.

Tip 5 – Baby First Underwaters Submersion

Swimming lessons are a wonderful activity for parents to be socially and physically active with their baby. Enjoying water familiarisation is the first step in the learn to swim process. Once baby is happy and confident you can introduce breath control activities. Once baby learns breath control on command you can safety take them underwater. Active adult supervision is essential.

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