Baby Swim

At 11 weeks of age Evie closes her eyes in response to our trigger word “ready go”. This is a major achievement. Since she was just 4 days old we have been conditioning her and waiting for the moment when she would hold her breath on command.

While this response is not yet performed consistently it’s a big break through. We have now documented evidence that if performed as part of the daily bath time routine by 11 weeks of age babies can respond positively to the conditioning process.

Evie has responded positively to conditioning by, being happy and confident with water on the face, not ingesting any water and closing her eyes on our verbal trigger ready go.

During the bath time swimming lesson you will also notice that Evie is becoming more alert and vocal. She now squeals with delight as she exercises in the bath. These little noises fill my heart with joy. They give me very early signs that she is enjoying herself in the magical medium of water.

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