Baby Swim

Floating is the babies of all learn to swim. Learning to float to and from a shallow water ledge and adult is an ideal way to build floating confidence. When the adult assists with the floating skill they always use a double trigger, baby’s name ready go, followed by a lifting trigger. The verbal cue prepares baby for submersion and the lifting trigger gives baby a chance to catch their breath.

Here below is a clip taken from our youtube channel which demonstrates how Laia has progressed so well from Baby Swimming to Floating:

Once baby becomes mobile on land you will see a correlation to this independent mobility in the water. Baby will enjoy initiating their own free floating skills. If floating patterns are well established any propulsive movements like wiggles, kicks and pulls will propel baby easily through the water. Adults can reinforce water safety by teaching baby to wait and only swim to them on their invitation of “ready go”. Start swimming today for fun, fitness, health and safety.

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