Baby Swim

Learning to swim should be done in a positive and supportive environment where children feel safe and happy. There are so many benefits that come from learning to swim at an early age. Professor Robyn Jorgensen lead a 4-year longitudinal study that examined the benefits of participating in swimming lessons for children under the age of 5. The study revealed that children who participated in early years swimming programs achieved many milestones earlier than the average population. The intensive testing revealed that swimming children performed significantly better than the normal population across physical, cognitive, social and linguistic measures. This was regardless of social background and gender. The study also revealed that early swimming lessons prepare children for other areas of learning including the successful transition to preschool and school. I believe that this is a fantastic study that enhances the perception of Swimming Teaching as a profession and clearly provides an endorsement for the learn to swim industry. It provides a strong evidence base, that shows the many benefits that children can receive from participating in learn to swim programs from an early age.

Check our of fun learn to swim video on YouTube

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